Wednesday, 31 October 2012


So I got the results back from the writing competition I entered this August.  I didn't make it into a finalist.

I don't know what else to say.  It's a little discouraging, but then again I am just starting out.  Maybe I just think that I should be able to do better then what I actually can.  Alls well. I should get back to studying. :(

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

First Snow

22 inches today. People need to learn how to drive like grandmas because you can't be driving around like a maniac when the road is sheer ice.

What made my day though was the UofL plowing the sidewalk while people were walking by. Chucking snow at people. Lols

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Demoted Coconut

So. To start off I will explain that the title of this blog is only 2/3s of what this blog is about. But I (for some reason) couldn't seem to find a better qualified title that worked with all three. They were just awkward. Like my life. Joy.

First. I am getting demoted. Literally. Apparently my hours are not "fitting" into being a SL. So, I am getting demoted back to just a sales associate. It's bitter sweet, to be completely honest. It wont be as stressful having to feel like you are being left there to run the store by yourself, but on the other hand I am losing some of my freedom that I gained there. Not to mention a pay loss.  I understand that I have limited hours, and especially right now with my midterms, but they aren't giving me hours that I am available on to start with.  I am available Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday. Open to close. But next week I have a midterm so I booked off Monday.  So then I am available to close Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. Which is 24 hours.  Only 8 less then my usual week of 32. BUT they gave me Sunday and Monday off, so therefore I would only get 16 hours. Apparently me asking for Thanksgiving off, one of the few times that I ask for off, made a huge issue with my availability. I usually get 24 hours a week, and my work is 'unable to work that into the schedule' even though the job description for a SL states that they will be working a minimum of 20 hours a week and up to 40 hours, though they may get more or less then minimum. And this is an issue how? Meh. I'll get over it. I told the girl who is taking my place good luck, because the way they treat me is now on your shoulders.

Second. I have a slight addiction to Pinterest. And everyone knows it.  Well, a while ago I found this cool hair trick with coconut oil that I thought I would try out.  So the thing requires you to buy this expensive bottle of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil online, take a handful of this oil (it has a similar texture to lotion) and put it into your dry hair.  If you have an individual heater at home, sit under the heat for 15 minutes.  If you don't, just leave the coconut in your hair for 30 minutes like everyone else.  After that you should wash out your hair (twice is what is recommended) and you should be good to go.  Well, I wanted to try it, but didn't want to buy the expensive crap. So instead I bought this:
For a whole whopping $9.99. It was on sale too. =D. So I put it in my hair for the 30 minutes, and then washed it out twice, put my conditioner in, and went to bed. When I woke up this morning, my hair was actually softer. I don't know if this will actually help with the growing/strengthening thing that people say it will do, but it's worth a shot. So we will see. I will post something about it if I do notice a difference.

The third point I want to talk about, is there are days that you see everyone that you dislike. Every single one of them. And that is what happened to my friend Mak and I today after we had our neuropsych quiz (which was actually really hard this week =S).  We ran into one of my old roommates, and one of Mak's friends who is a complete psycho.  We were walking after seeing them and laughing at the irony that we were thinking to ourselves "who could we possible see next" and we both answered at the same time: "Vicky".  If you don't know Vicky, or haven't heard the story, it is not my story to tell. But she is crazy. Like actually crazy. She tried to poison someone. And we have proof. Enough said.

But that's all that I was going to blog about today. I can't believe I blogged twice in one week, that has to be crazy for me. I haven't done that in a while. Oh, an after thought I think I'll mention. I got an A- on my first midterm of the semester. Yay! It can only go uphill from here (I'm an optimist at times.)!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

So this weekend was lovely Thanksgiving. And besides getting stuffed like a turkey, a lot of funny things happened.  I got off work at 9:30pm on friday and went home and packed up my stuff, did some laundry, cleaned up a bit (ish), and then went to bed. The next morning, bright and early (at 9:30am), I was on the road heading back to Calgary.  When I got there my family was just chilling around, until I decided my mom was going to buy me groceries at Costco.  (What? You didn't realize groceries were cheaper back in Calgary? Well, they are. It's almost as though they are free. ;P)

Costco (for those that don't know), is a giant wholesale store where you can buy bulk items for cheap.  It's like Walmart, except instead of buying a regular sized item for $3 or so, you can buy an over-sized version of that same item for close to the same price. Anyways, let me tell you.  It was a crazy madhouse. But we wanted to be done and over with, so we went through it all.  Apparently, when my mom goes to Costco she likes to go down EVERY isle.  EVERY single one. So... that was fun.  We saw the lovely Costco pumpkin pies, which made for a funny dinner conversation, bringing up the whole "Man-punches-another-man-over-last-Costco-Pumpkin-Pie" fiasco. I mean, seriously. Go to Safeway. They are like.... $2.99. They are not even the best ones people.

Anyways, after that we went to Dinner #1. Which went something like this:

My family showing up and realizing that my cousins are up from Lethbridge (Yes they live in the same city as me. No, we do not hang out often.) After some lovely chatting, dinner was served. And it was....Filling. We had soooo much food, but it was soo yummy. I probably gained 5 pounds from that dinner alone.  After dinner we did the dishes. And I should let you know, that I am the one in my family to usually wash dishes, because for some reason I have issues when people hand wash my personal dishes, because I feel like they actually can't do it right. But, that night my Aunt C. started the dishes.
Let me just say, that image above is what my face actually looked like. But, whatever, I decided I would just dry. It's the nice thing to do.  Well. Besides my Aunt trying to throw my grandmothers silverware down the garberator, she does not know how to wash shit. The look on my grandpa's face though was PRICELESS.  It was even better when he was mumbling about how ridiculous my Aunt was, and how she needs to learn to check the sink, etc., all while I am laughing hysterically in the back ground.  Then my grandpa and I just stood around laughing while I was trying to "dry" the turkey pot. I will just say, that I was trying to be polite and not have her RE-wash the dish, even though I would have.  No.  Let me say that again. I wouldn't have to rewash the turkey pot because I am actually able to wash things properly.  After that, my grandma realized that C. couldn't wash things properly after it took me so long to dry and after watching me drag my cloth back and forth on certain areas and come off with filth. 

Continuing, after that we had PUMPKIN PIE! with WHIP CREAM which is lovely. It's wayyyy better then the Pumpkin Spice Lattes at starbucks. Yummm. Then we started telling old stories of how I would run away as a child and stuff. 


I decided that I needed to do SOME studying over the long weekend. Because there was no way that I was going to be able to catch up if I didn't.  So I went to starbucks and studied for an hour before meeting up with my BFF Lulu.  There she gave me these awesome mugs to add to my suddenly large mug collection:
I am a huge Beatle fan, if you couldn't already tell.  The mugs say: (1) I get by with a little help from my friends, (2) Let it be, (3) All you need is love, (4) It's been a hard day's night. And I've been working like a dog.

Then I suggested that we go shopping (I didn't end up buying anything, but Lulu spent a small fortune). After that she introduced me to her new boyfriend Jordan.  And he seems nice. I didn't really get a chance to interrog--talk to him *cough cough*.  But one of these days I will.  But seriously, they seem happy, so if they are happy then I am happy.

After that, I was getting sentimental (due to what mall we went to) and decided I wanted to go back down memory lane to high school and get some good lunch time memories. So at 3:30pm we decided to get BUBBLE TEA! And we both had another Thanksgiving dinner to go to. To explain what a bubble tea is, it is like a fruit smoothie with tapioca beads in the bottom, but I don't like the tapioca beads so I get the Jelly. I got a Peach smoothie with Lychee jelly(red straw) and Lulu got a Mango smoothie with half-tapioca and half-lychee jelly (purple straw):
I got my mom to try a sip when I got home, and didn't tell her about the jelly in the bottom. Haha, she freaked out just a little bit. It was entertaining.

Dinner #2.  At my Aunt and Uncles house, with a bonus of my cousin not being in the country. Instead of a full turkey, they made a turkey roll. Yes. I had no idea what that was either. It's pretty much like turkey wrapped around some stuffing, and cooked. The stuffing was horrendous, but the turkey was good. My grandma (different set now) made a HUGE ham, which I was going to take some home, but I forgot. She also made me a bag of "her" cookies, which I ate all of except for 4. She gave me a dozen....Two days ago. =D  Overall, it was pretty uneventful, until my Aunt Lynns brother came over. Let me tell you. I thought my family was weird, and then I met them and thank the Lord. After that my sister and I left to see Hotel Transylvania which was actually quite cute. I would watch it again. Then I made my mom stay up till 1 in the morning.  She usually goes to bed at 9pm. I laughed in the morning.

And so that was my weekend. Pretty busy, but also pretty relaxing. Hopefully everyone in Canada had a relaxing long weekend, or if you aren't in Canada, just a relaxing normal weekend.  Till I blog again!

Saturday, 6 October 2012


Ugh. I just got Facebook for the first time in... Two(?) years. And I already regret it. But it's not for anything but staying in touch with my family. They seem to do soo much without me, that I am beginning to feel left out.

Anyways, one thing I do want to say is Happy Thanksgiving from Canada! Our thanksgiving is on Monday October, 8th so let me be the first to give thanks! I hope everyone has a good weekend, and some time off. I myself am enjoying the lovely splendors of Calgary with the fam-jam and couldn't be happier. Well. If I didn't have to work or study I would be ecstatic, but what can you do. Give thanks for the people surrounding you because you are very special to someone out there.... most likely. ;)