Saturday, 31 August 2013

Update on NYR 2013

I haven't written in this blog for a while. I keep coming back to it and updating everything else, but I just haven't sat down and wrote here. I am not exactly sure why, but I believe that I use this blog when I am at another point in my life. Or I am stressed, anxious, sad, or overrun. And I am not those things right now. I am, in some sorts, but for now my life is okay. I still have the everyday stresses that everyone else has, but I have learned to overcome them in a different manner.  So instead of ranting today, I thought I would update everyone on my New Years resolutions, and how my my year will hopefully end.  I had six items on my Resolutions list and I will go through each of them, with my wins, and my utter failure. =)

The first item was finishing my courses for my BA in Psychology. And I am proud to say that I only have 4 more courses to go! I am looking at five different courses at the moment, but that will be narrowed down soon after the first day.  What is next is looking at whether I want to go for my Graduate degree right away or do something else. I am more leaning towards teaching English as a second language abroad, just because it is a way for me to travel. It's just figuring out where to go, and getting used to being okay in a completely different country by my little ol' lonesome self.

The second item on my list was reading 50 books by the time the year is up. I've read 11 books. Sadly. So. I am hoping that this semester isn't too too crazy that I can read maybe 20 more books. But that probably wont happen. I have started a couple different books over the year, but some are weird and confusing. And I've read and LIKED weird and confusing. So that is saying something.

The third is finish writing a novel.... I can say I started a new one. And it takes time. I am hopeful that after this last semester of school, that I can breath and actual complete this. And I think if I put my mind to it, I will be okay. It's different then the previous novel I was writing, but it has more want to be completed. If that makes ANY sense at all. =)

Working out. I bought a bike, and for every day of my summer classes I rode to school. Rain or shine. Then I started getting 40 hours a week at work and my energy went to kaput. When the school year starts up, I am planning on staying and working out at the school for the three times a week.

The next item was Thailand! And I actually have a trip booked! I am heading to Thailand in March 2013 for 16 days! I have paid off $700 so far, and only have to save up another $1400. It sounds expensive, but with everything that is included on the trip it is pretty cheap! I am really excited about heading there. And I just cannot wait to get out and see it.

The last item was volunteering. Which I have done none of. My life is a shame.

It's different having resolutions to look back on. I think in the future I will try harder to make more resolutions and follow through with them.  I will be honest, it has been a crazy year so far. And with everything happening in December (Sisters wedding, final exams, 22 birthday, quitting my job, potentially moving home, etc.)  I hope that with a majority of my items that I can come closer to trying to complete it.