Sunday, 11 November 2012


Lately, I have found that my year is becoming more filled with regrets, then pride. And I have noticed among some of my friends, that they are also feeling regrets.

Mine is something personal, that I don't even want to write in my blog. But if you know me well enough, you know what I am writing about.  I regret decisions that I made, and I feel as though I impulsively made a wrong decision. For me, admitting I was wrong is hard, but to know that my decision is permanent (or possibly permanent) makes it even harder for me to say it.  I knew that it was the wrong thing, right when it was happening, and yet I couldn't suddenly turn around and say "Stop", so instead I have to learn to live with this regret.

There are many things that I regret in my life, but some things happen for a reason.  Well, at least that is what I think.  I got into a car accident two years ago, and it was based on decisions I made one day.  And what happened that day led to my last roommate (who we all know and love...), which then led me to have a new/old roommate this year, and then a course of choices which led me here.

So I have decided, that I am going to make monthly goals in order to make sure that I don't regret not completing it.  And that has to do with writing.  I have always wanted to write a novel, and this year I submitted a short story into a writing competition, but didn't make it into the finalist.  But I don't regret that for one second. Because it's a stepping stone and I am still learning.  So, I have decided to try putting more writing into my everyday life.  Not blogging, but actually writing. I have made a goal for November of 25,000 words.  It's not, making a goal to write a novel, because I feel as though I am not there. But it is there as a reminder to practice  So if I write poems, short stories, anything along the lines of 'writing', then I am fine with that. It's more words then what I was putting out before.  Maybe, just maybe in the future I could write something worth reading.  But until then, 25,000 words.

Here's to hoping.

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