Maybe I'm just a bitch, and many will probably say that I am. But I feel as though you have to be in this situation to understand what I am going through. I mean I have lived with many-a-types of people during my 3 years here, but never one who I did not agree with.
In other news I decided that this post would be a little bit more about me and my likes and all that jazz. I am a Psychology Major at the University of Lethbridge, planning to graduate in December 2013 if all goes well. After that I want to travel starting in January in South America with my friend Aurora (who wants to do something with animals). Go all the way around and down till we can take a cruise down to Antartica. Then I will go to the Easter Islands before heading over to Australia where my best friend Varun is currently at. Hopefully I can plan out a good trip that he will come with me to New Zealand, North Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea, China, Russia and more. Then if I can get my other friend Ariel to agree, then I will plan a trip from Israel down to South Africa (some of the few places that she has yet to be). After that, my sister will have hopefully have graduated from Education so she can come with me to the United Kingdom and travel from Finland around all the way down to Italy or I can invite my other best friend Lulu. I really just want to travel and see the whole world and say that I have been to every continent and experienced all types of life.
After that I plan on going back to graduate school to get my Masters degree in School Counselling. I have a couple schools that look interesting to me, but one that I keep thinking about is down in Las Vegas, Nevada. The only reason I keep thinking back to it is because my parents own a condo down in Las Vegas, so I could have a place all to myself already. The thing is because I am an international student it would cost me $7000 more dollars then a resident of the US. I looked and I only have to spend 6 months prior before I am considered a resident, and really... lets be honest. Who wouldn't want to live in a sunny city all that time? I mean currently with the wind chill, it is -39 degrees celsius. And later tonight it will hopefully reach -55 degrees celsius. Yay! Who can tell I am being sarcastic!
Anyways. The thing is with most graduate programs for psychology they look for the amount of experience that you have. And want more than a year or so of work experience in the field that you want to take or in a field that relates to psychology. Currently looking at my resume I am lacking greatly. I was talking to a girl last semester who was working at a womens walk-in shelter as an crisis counsellor. The sucky thing is that it is night shifts. And I don't get enough sleep any ways to even want to try working a night shift, and then going to class. I was thinking that I could possibly try to get a job at the hospital as some sort of helper for the psychologists, but I'm not really sure that would be amazing. If I did want to get the year out of the way after I graduated from UofL, maybe I should consider postponing my trip until I get all that I need. Then again, I could go afterwords, but then I wouldn't remember as well. It's a big decision.
Anyways. The schools that I am looking at right now are:
- University of Las Vegas-Nevada for a Masters of Education in School Counselling.
- Memorial University for a Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education for a Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology
So far that is the three that have caught my eye. However there are more in Alberta that would also be interesting to look at. The sucky thing about Lethbridges Psychology is that it is mainly based on research, and I don't really want to live in a lab for the rest of my life. I mean I really didn't enjoy dissecting a frog and a cows eye during highschool.
Another option that I was thinking about earlier this school year, was instead of going in to get my masters degree in psychology, I could possibly get my After Degree in Nursing. However I do need more biology, so that could suck. If they offered some courses of biology during the summer then I definitely will take them. I also want to take some art classes. They offered a Photography as a form of therapy course a couple years back in the summer, so that should show itself up this summer so I am excited about that.
The courses that I am currently in during this semester are:
- Neuroscience 3600 (Neurobiology)
- Psychology 2320 (Cognition and Perception)
- Health Science/Psychology 3450 (Applied Statistics)
- Psychology 3130 (Developmental Psychology)
I only take four a semester because I try to work 20 hours a week. Lately I have not been getting fantastic hours (I legit got four this week) so I may need to start looking for a new job! Also having a social life is hard when you barely see your friends. I feel like I rambled alot today. My apologies.
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