Monday, 23 January 2012

Neuroblah-blah and Slow Shoe Service

I regret taking Neurobiology.  It took me 3 hours to read 3 chapters.  The chapters are 20 pages long at most. How does that happen? I'm a fast reader. I can read an entire Harry Potter novel in a day.  And what I mean is after the midnight sale of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from midnight till ten in the morning straight and I had it done.  Averaging it out on this neuro textbook, it took me an hour for each chapter.  And I had turned off my phone, went to the University, sat in my best studying area, and it STILL took me 3 hours. I was planning on reading my Developmental Psychology chapters as well after neuro, but I looked at how many pages and for 3 chapters it was 110 pages! And after my whole 3 hours reading 60 pages I thought I might want to go home and eat something, or write a blog (hence why we are here) or do something unproductive.

To make you all enjoy the new knowledge that I learned from those 3 chapters, I thought I would summarize so we can all feel my pain.  I learned about the Nervous System, the Electrical signals of nerve cells, voltage-dependent membrane permeability, and ion channels and transmission.  We also got to learn about the Nernst equation, Ohm's Law, Resting Membrane Potential, The Space Constant, The Time Constant, and more fun stuff! I honestly don't know how I sit through that class. Not because I think it's boring, because I find this fancinating (I really do), it's just the first lecture we had an intro to Physics class, where he basically taught us all that we should have learned from Physics 30 in an hour.  Mind Blown.  Today's class I was doing really good with notes, and then at one point I just had to stop because I honestly starting getting lost in what we were learning about.  Looking around, most of the class had stopped taking notes and were legit just staring trying to figure it all out.  Maybe this is an opportunity to set up a study group with everyone.  I could send out an email. We do have a test next Friday, so it would be beneficial.  Just to go over the hard concepts and figure out the formulas a little bit better.  I should do that.

Moving on.  It's going to be a hard class and I mean I knew that when I decided to take it.  But I didn't think it would have as much math in it as it does.  I mean I got an A in the prerequisite course that was required to take this one and it is completely different.  It's not just the profs though either, it is like... how to describe.... Okay. The current class I am in is the "Neuroscience for Doctors" prep course, and the prerequisite is "The Dummies guide to Neuroscience" (not even, its lower if that is possible).  That's the best analogy I can think of.  Would you like to describe the water analogy of a circuit?  I didn't think so. My prof constantly goes back to that one.

Anyways.  My second point behind this blog is customer service.  And when you think that I am being rude about how these people treat customers in the store, let me tell you this.  I have worked in retail since Gr.10 until now (about 6 years), and so I have the right to say when a employee is "hardly" working.  However, this isn't really the time and place to rant about my experiences as the employee so I am going to stick with the story of what happened today at Sports Mart.  My friend Makrina needed some new shoes, because she had worn out the sole on her shoes.  So we go in and a guy greets us, so we were obviously noticed entering.  We walked straight to the shoe section and look around at the shoes and find some that would work, we just needed some sizes.  So we wait.  Look around, and see no one is working.  At this point you don't really know what to do.  We were the only customers in the store, and yet no one was helping us.  So when the girl finally comes around to ask if we were okay, or if we needed anything I was sorta frustrated and said I'm fine but she wants to try on some shoes.  I think the girl thought that we were just trying on shoes for shits and giggles and weren't going to buy anything, because Mak had picked out a lot of shoes (she's really picky).  So she goes and tries to find them all and we wait.  Meanwhile, another customer comes in and starts looking at the shoes beside us.  And because Mak has so many shoes the girl still needs to get, the lady just kinda sits there until the employee that was helping us noticed her just trying on the shoes from the wall, and gets another employee to come and help her find the right size. When the girl realized that we were going to be buying a bunch of shoes, she became noticably nicer and even tried to make herself look better by telling us about SportCheck and how all the employees sat in the back even when there were customers in the store.  We held our tongue I'll tell you.  The funny thing is, right before she came and asked us if we needed help with anything, I had been complaining to Makrina about the lack of customer service that the store had to offer us. Oh what a day.

I understand if the store is busy that employees aren't going to drop everything and help, that's what happens at my store.  But the fact that we were the only ones in the store, and it was 1:00 in the afternoon in January, there should be no reason why there aren't employees helping customers.  Maybe its a pet peeve of mine that employees actually help customers who want help.  I mean sometimes its annoying when you go into Future Shop or somewhere where you notice right away that the employees are getting paid by commission. All because they are all over you trying to help you when you really just want to be like "Yeah, fuck off I'm not buying anything, I just want to ruin your conversion", but I feel like that would be rude.  Why is it the places that I shop have shitty customer service, leaving you to fend for yourself, where as the places that you avoid to shop are mainly the places where they get commission? Frick.  You know, if I got commission at my job I would be rich.  I mean I can get a person to spend $200-$600 in a transaction if I really wanted to.  It's true.  I have had "Recognition Awards" given to me because of it.  I'm a pro at up-selling.  I really need to change jobs.

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