Saturday, 31 March 2012

Drawsomething Art Attack

I feel like I can become a professional artist due to my fantastic drawing abilities via iPhone. And all with limited colors. It still amazes me. I just want everyone to see my awesome drawing skills. Because I'm cool like that.

So here is my rendition of The Lion King:
And my latest masterpiece the Titanic!
If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iTouch (maybe, not 100% sure about this one) then you can start playing Drawsomething. You can just get the free version or if you are rich then you can spend the 99cents and buy the version with more words. I don't really care about how many words I get because I feel that by getting the word you have had before (or one of your opponents) then you can get better. Fantastic. Get it! My username is "Brittany R T" if you do get it. 

Friday, 30 March 2012

Betta Trapped in a Trunk

I am becoming an insane fish lady. I honestly thought I had killed my fish the other day, so I went and spent $40 buying a new bowl and fish medication. Fish MEDICATION. Yeah.  What did I say about Betta's earlier on this year? That they usually only survive five years or less? Right. Well currently Shakespeare is a little over 3 years old, and I'm freaking out because I think he is dying. I honestly have no idea what is wrong with me... I barely have enough money to buy groceries and yet there I go out to buy forty dollars worth of stuff for my fish which I can't even touch.  What a life I live.

I feel I should mention to anyone that fish can actually get illnesses. And mine had Fin Rot.  Because of dirty water.  Yes I am a horrible pet owner, but excuse me for having a suicidal fish who breaks every freaking bowl I put him into and I don't have enough money to buy a new one every week. So, because of his illness, his fins have literally rotted away. The bad thing about Fin Rot is that in advanced stages (meaning after it has ate its way through the fin) it can start to attack the fishes body itself and it can die. Luckily I caught mine early enough that his mediation is working just fine and dandy and his fin seems to be growing once again.  But honestly people. get to know your fish! These are tiny little things that can't do anything on their own, and you buy them because they are pretty so take care of them! I had to learn the hard way to appreciate my fish, but now Shakespeare is doing better! Hopefully he will survive another couple years with me, or at least until I graduate. Oh, Mercutio is just fine and dandy as well. =)

In other news, there really is nothing going on with my life.  Except that I have 91 days until my roommate moves out, 30 days until Vegas, 24 days until I am done exams.  Yahoo! So I thought I would show you another lovely vehicle that parks in my school parking lot:
Let me just zoom in a little so you can see the full effect:
Enjoy the weekend as I will be!

Oh and don't forget to watch this video if you have the chance. Thank you Canada.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

I'm so hungry, I feel like I'm in The Hunger Games

So Monday was a roller coaster. It was a hectic day that seemed to almost never end.  For me, it was pretty good, I had lunch plans and then later was going to a movie. But for everyone else it seemed to be the day from hell.

The first highlight of my day was going to Ihop with Ami. It was delicious, to die for. I got a build your own pancake combo (only 9.99$$) and got banana strawberry pancakes, with hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, and sausages. It was fantastic. I honestly would have ate every last bit of it but I thought my stomach would split. I would love to go back right now, but I feel as though I should take a 3 week vacation from it.  The menu was crazy. I didn't think that there would be so many flavors of pancakes, but apparently I was proven wrong.  I could say the same thing about the amount of syrups there were, but, me being Ms. Simplicity and thinking there was only one, I was corrected by the four different flavors of syrup they had on the table. Blueberry, strawberry, old fashioned, and butter pecan. I liked strawberry the best, and butter pecan the least. It tasted like it was.... honestly I have no idea what it really tasted like I just didn't like it.

It was kinda funny though, our waiter was a little weird and I think aspired to be a hovercraft, because that's what she was good at.  Hovering.  When we were done Ami wanted to pack up her leftovers, and the waiter sorta... handled it weird.  All I remember is that at some point Ami started muttering "Don't drop it bitch. That's for later."

The food was really good. And I would highly suggest if anyone has an Ihop near you to go an take a trip there.  Because you won't be disappointed.

After that I had made plans to go and see The Hunger Games with my friend Chels.  It wasn't until 9:40 so we hung out around my place for a bit before going early to get some popcorn and drinks.  I'm going to be honest we both ate an entire regular popcorn to ourselves.  I have no shame.  It was delicious.  I mean, you can't go to a movie and not get some movie theatre popcorn now can you?
**Spoilers ahead (unintentional)**The movie itself, was kinda disappointing.  I mean it was good, but.... I don't know.  I thought that the camera work needed some help; I don't think that they should have used a hand-held camera for some parts. It was nauseating.  But I understand what they were really trying to do.  There were also some moments where I was kinda like, "Omfg how much longer is this movie going to be?" I also really had to pee at one point, so that made me wish that it would end faster.  I mean the scenery was exactly what I imagined (which was sorta creepy, especially with the center part of arena), but I don't know.  I really think that they got like after the world sorta destroys itself pretty well.  I understand why a lot of people really liked it, and I will go and see the second one (maybe the third, mind you that's the worst book in the series) to see what else they do.  Rue's death made me teary eyed, but that was because of Jennifer Lawrences acting.  Fantastic.

I'm just one of those people that you don't want to be sitting around in a movie theatre because I talk, and nit-pick. I'm a nit-picker. I'll be honest.  But I feel as though if you are getting paid to act as a character you should do the decency and actually put effort in. But not too much, because then you just look stupid. I also nit-pick the camera work, and music choice, and directors choices.  I don't intentionally mean to, but sometimes I can't help it.  This is probably one of the reasons why I don't go to movies very often.  Hmm.

I felt that Gale could have been cut out of the movie (also in the books if you want my opinion).  But instead they decided to pay Liam Hemsworth for 3 scenes. All of which he was sitting in a grassfield.  Maybe I should start acting, if that's all major movie stars now have to do.  Most of the other actors were fantastic, and I couldn't have been more pleased about the directors choices.  Peeta's hair (Josh Hutcherson) could have used some work. It looked like... crap. Or in Makrina's words "Bad News". So I'm just going to say it's Bad News Bears.

Oh well. I hope that the movies get better, I mean if you think of the Twilight movies the first one deserved to be trashed after 5 seconds, but the movies did get better over time. So I don't know. Just me. Bleh.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Incest (*shudder*)

This is a random post. But I was looking back at some of my posts that I have written and I was reading my entry about reading week and see that I slightly mentioned the fact that I can't read about incest.

Well people I have searched high and low and found the book that ruined my childhood. It is.....(drumroll please)........ "Flowers in the Attic" by V.C. Andrews where this 12 year old girl and her 14 year old brother become sexually attracted to each other while being forced to live in the attic (because telling a dying man he has grandchildren isn't an Yeah. Fucked up. I honestly have no idea how this is designated as a teen novel or even a "family saga" as Wikipedia calls it. There is even a movie. :| <- that is my face right now. Shock and awe.

Reading that as a child when I was like 12 has ruined my mentality for this stuff. I feel nauseous even thinking about it. I mean everyone has that one thing that gets under their skin and this just happened to be mine. Incest. It make me want to shed my skin and just "cleanse" myself. Or vomit.

I don't even know what else to say, so that basically sums up this entry. Don't ever read it. It should be under horror. Or they could make a category of Mentally Scarring. That's what this is. So thank you V.C. Andrews. Please don't ever write another book again.

**On a random point, the one book/tv show that I have actually completed reading/watching that has incest involved is Game of Thrones and it starts up again April 1st!!! 7 Days!!!**

Friday, 23 March 2012

American Stonehenge

So I recently learned that in Elbert County, Georgia, USA that there is a monument called the American Stonehenge or the Georgia Guidestones.  Now I don't usually find rocks to be that particularly interesting, however sometimes they do intrigue me. And these are one of them.  
Unlike Stonehenge in the UK (pictured above), the Georgia Guidestones have ten "guides" inscribed in them. And that's not really that weird, since they were contructed in 1979 and unveiled in the 1980's by an unknown person/persons.  These ten rules are:
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.*
*10 is actually supposed to be repeated twice 
Now all of these rules are written in eight different languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Russian).  It is made of six granite stones, one in the center, with four around it, and a capstone on top.  (Pictured below)
This was made (apparantly) for the Age of Reason.  Or for the time after an Apocalypse. Truthfully, some of the rules make sense. I mean take #1 for example "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature".  Right now the world is currently sitting at 7 billion people that we can barely afford to feed. People have large families, and our birth control teaching sucks (another point later on this however).  In the past, the reason why people would have so many children was because most would die during child birth or of the COMMON COLD.  In our time, we have doctors, vaccines, and hospitals allowing people to live longer, and for more people to survive.  The elderly live longer and there are more young people all at one; creating an overpopulation. A way of going against nature, hence why we are at 7 billion people.  So by trying to limit the population would be smart for (and if this ever happened. IF people, I am not saying we are all going to die) the future civilization. 

A point on birthcontrol, and this may just be me. But take the pill for example. It's effective 98% of the time. And thinking about the rate of evolution, at some point the body is going to realize that people are using "hormones" to control the amount of children they have.  And that could be good, if this evolutionary change changed so that people weren't able to have children until they were like.... 25 - 35. And then anyone else couldn't.  But what if (hypothetically, and I'm just crazy like this) the change was that no females could reproduce children.  That this chemical alteration changed the hormones that females gave off and no more people had children. Anyone ever watch Children of Men? Or read the book? Well it's fantastic and I would highly suggest watching it.
I mean, this may never be the case that all females stop reproducing, but it's also crazy to think that some random person wrote ten rules for if the world suddenly ends.  So I don't know.  Mind fuck.  That's what this is.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Facebook Parenting for the Troubled Teen

Just a video. Thank God I am not an adolescence in this period. What has happened to our youth? This generation is obsessed with Facebook, Twilight, and disrespect... just wow.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Sisterly Affection

My sister came down this weekend, which was really exciting and relaxing. When she got here we decided (while I decided, due to the fact I had a paper due monday and no ink) that we needed to go to Staples. Which we then went to, before walking around the mall nonchallantly for an hour or so while visiting my coworkers at my job.  After we then decided to go to Toys'R'Us and look at the baby section and see if we could figure out what my sisters BFF (who just had a baby) would need in the next couple months.  My sister then said she had a headache because she hadn't had her coffee yet for the day so we went to Tim Hortons, and we both LOST! Like. Thats pretty much 0/10 right there, and if we are doing this entire weekend, then I am at 0/12. FML.
Anyways, after we went to Tim Hortons and lost epically we decided that we wanted to head back to my place because I wanted to work on my paper for Monday, and I got my sister addicted to a game called Mystery Manor (which you can play on Facebook everyone...I'll have a blog on it later this week at some point, confronting my addiction to it). After we decided that we were hungry and went to Tony Roma's... mmmm soo good. Ribs that just peeled right off the bone. Lovely. Then we went to Walmart and we just walked around and I saw this!!!
I love Angry Birds... except I need to get 3 stars on every single level or else I can't move on.  Perfectionist I know, but its just... funner? Not really. It's more frustrating when you are literally 1000 away from making the 3 stars. Anyways. After that, the day ended. Until Saturday! When we woke up went for breakfast at Tim Hortons... we did try going to IHop but seeing as it was it's first week being open we didn't want to wait an hour. After that we went to the University. Where I took my sister on a tour around the school.. Showing her all my favorite places. We hung out in the pool area for a bit, just because she could understand why I liked napping there so often. =) After that we went and visited Mak at her place and tried a smoothie of hers (which was quite good) then we went and mailed the baby clothing to my sisters BFF.  After that we went to the Cheesecake factory and got some soup for a lupper, then we went to the mall and did some shopping... Where I bought these lovely shoes!
After shopping, we went to the movie Silent House. I liked it, and so did my sister. But my coworkers (which was who we went with) didn't. It was pretty good until you figure out the twist (and there is one...) at the end. I have to be honest, Elizabeth Olsen did a good job. I mean being related to the Olsen twins has to have an impact of your lifestyle, so for going into this movie it was pretty good. It was all in one take, like continuous filming, so that was really sweet. I remember in the movie Atonement (I love that movie <3) they did one scene where it was one continuous filming and it looked pretty awesome. Everyone just has to be ready for everything. 

It was nice having my sister down for the weekend. I didn't really have to think about anything, and it was nice to get away from school and not have to work for a change. I quite enjoyed it. Now if only my summer could go that way, but alas I wish to graduate as soon as possible, so that means summer courses. =( But to cheer you up, enjoy this lovely T-Rex comic!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

5 days 4 homeless

I hate the five days for homeless. It's not because I feel that it is right that people are homeless and I feel like something should be done, but I don't think collecting spare change and free food is really going to change what is going on in our country or around the world for that matter. I mean think about it. They are acting like they are homeless and asking for spare change or food. How is that free donut going to stop the government from over pricing housing, or is it going to change the countries economic status? Like come on.

I don't give spare change to homeless people because I don't carry any on me. I don't give change to students lying on campus because I don't have any. I also don't think that it is AT ALL like living on the street because the security guards allow them to stay there, they are not like the police who will forcefully remove them. ALSO the police will remove the homeless when people feel like they are bothersome or pestering them..... I DON'T SEE THAT HAPPENING HERE! It is nothin like living on the street. But if you feel like that 10 cents will help feed a family and give them living opportunities, go for it.

I support a lot of things, because I can see the impact that it has made as a collective whole. But honestly I dot see how students acting like homeless will change the entire countries homeless problem....

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Nat and Brit Adventure #1

This is what we do when really we should be studying. We find stuffies at shoppers and take pictures of them, go to the pool and chat about the guys working there, and then decide that we are going to make the most random YouTube channel ever seen. Anyone want to join? We haven't come up with a title but at some point we will have one and make our first video. So stay tuned for future updates!

And here is a picture of some adorable sheep we saw at the store!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Nom nom

Today is national Nap Day (Thanks Mak for that fun Factoid) and I feel as though that is very fitting for me. It is usually the Monday after daylight savings, where we lose an hour . I have already taken a twenty minute nap at the pool viewing area. Where I personally have spilled an entire XL coffee all over the chairs, and yet I still napped. Because that is how I feel, as though I need to nap in the most awkward places. But I honestly LOVE naps.  Thank God my parents don't live in town, because I don't think they think a grown woman should be napping at 4:00 in the afternoon at a public place, by herself. Not really safe. Whatever. I have decided however, that I will always go there to nap, because it's warm but you don't have a blanket. So just lovely.. Last week Ami told me that most university students will sleep anywhere. And I can now agree with that statement. For I am now one of them.I have a new favorite napping spot in the University. Joy.

In other news Ami and I were hanging out in Galileo's Lounge (a quiet(er) area in the Student's Union Building) and these two girls came up to us and asked if we would like some free donuts.  I was all "Hell Yes, Free Donuts!" But Ami (being the sensible person she is) was like "why are you giving us free donuts? Are you trying to poison us? etc. etc." Anyways after we established we weren't going to be poisoned, we chose our free donuts, WHICH WERE DELICIOUS! We got the ones with pink and yellow sprinkles on it, just because I know personally I would never go out and buy that one by myself, BUT seeing as someone else already did the buying WHO CARES!

Here are our lovely/mostly eaten donuts:
And now the sensible one herself, taking the last bite of her delicious donut (don't worry she went to the gym after words.... I cannot say the same thing for me):
And last but not least, I couldn't resist but to take a creeper photo of this license plate that I saw in my school parking lot today. It was just so cute. I really want to meet this person and see if they are awesome because I love this license plate. I did see a license plate one that was on a black car that said "ANAKIN" with a friend once, and we both took a picture of it. Sadly that was on my old old phone from two years ago, so I no longer have the picture. Hopefully another day I will see it again in Calgary and take another photo to show you. Till then, keep nom nom nom-ing on:

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Laurena Segura

I don't know why but this is my type of music. She is from Montreal (Go Canada) and I just fell in love with her music. Take a second and listen if you want! This is my favorite song from her so far. Enjoy!

Friday, 9 March 2012

LEARN TO PARK...please!

I love having to walk to my car and find my car has a new best friend that has parked so close they could be dating. It's fantastic. I love crawling through my passenger side door, over my center console and trying to maneuver my body just to end up in the drivers seat. It's just lovely don't you think?

Here is the two lovers now:

As you can see the truck was trying to get soo close to my Little Red Riding hood that it thought white parking lines were irrelevant. Sheesh.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Let It Be

There are many feelings that I feel today, but I don't feel like baring my soul out to you today. Maybe it's because I am done try to be a middle man.  I am going to take advice from every other person in the world and focus on me. Do what's best for me, and if that doesn't involve you, then it's not my problem.

Anger; sadness; and betrayal only begin to skim the surface of my emotions. This seems to be the week where every little piece of shit just keeps getting piled and piled on top of me and I'm drowning in it.  I no longer want to feel anything. I wish I could feel numb, but it isn't humanely possible.

Maybe it's time I looked back at who I was a year ago, and try to remember what made me who I am today.  And it is good family, and friends.  I miss my family.  And I miss my friends, old and new. But mostly I am glad for the best friends that I have that I can turn to and trust that they have my back in any situation.  The ones who I can text and will be there in a heart beat, or know just what to say to make me smile on even my worst days.  And I know that there will be happy moments and there will be sad moments.  It's just life.  But realize that even though I am not speaking to you for a while, that I am just sad.  I'll get over it.  I just need to take a step back and Let It Be.
I got this tattoo two August's ago for many different reasons.  However I have learned over time that it is almost like letting your conscious be your guide.  There are times when I wish to give up, throw it all away, or times when I feel overwhelmed to the point where I can't breath.  And I'll look down and just see let it be. I have also learned that there are many things that cannot be controlled in life, and some things you just need to go with the flow.

To end this blog, there is song that I listen to when just seeing the words isn't enough:

Monday, 5 March 2012

Frustration and Horror Movies

Frustration is my word of the day. I am frustrated with everything. With school, work, my current roommate,  and my friends.  Why does everything always add up at the same time?  I am frustrated with school because I have to take a midterm at some point this week on Cognition and Perception starting from the sensory systems in general to color vision. Boring stuff, but an intense proffessor I have marking it, yes? (Yoda or someone... maybe). But I've been trying to study for it, but I keep getting distracted and its making me FRUSTRATED because I can't focus on it. I'm seriously debating boring some Ritalin from some children... I also have another neuroscience assignment due on Friday, and I cannot figure out what the first 3 questions are trying to ask me.... However I did (sorta) figure out 5-9.... so that helps... ish.

Work: I am always frustrated with work, what's new?
Current Roommate: Ditto to the above (but change work with current roommate)

I am frustrated with my friends because apparently I can no longer text "kay" anymore without being considered mad at someone, or being rude by being short with them. I'm sorry, but you text at the worst possible times because I am always studying so excuse me for not wanting to write a story to fufill your commitment issues. Go sleep with another random you meet at the bar to do that. I don't text long wordy texts unless I'm: 1) Really excited/sad/angry/stressed about something; 2) having a conversation with my mother/father/sister; 3)Trying to figure out homework without meeting with idiots; 4) Talking to a best friend. Are you one of those things in the above list? NO! I don't have facebook because I don't like technology so why would texting be any different. Holy crapolies people! Get off my back! You also have borrowed something from a BEST FRIEND of mine for the last 3 months and have YET to return it! And now I am not allowed to be frustrated with you. Are you effing serious? Take a look from my side and tell me that I ain't allowed to be.

In other news. That mad me laugh more than frustrated me, was while I was in the library studying with my friend Ami she was watching Paranormal Activity 2. And let me tell you, her reactions are hilarious! I honestly would go to any horror movie with her and just watch what happens with her. She makes like sounds of terror when scary things happen, jumps away from the screen, and then (at one point during the movie) will verbalize what is happening in the movie. The best part was when she jumped away and covered her eyes, but had her fingers slightly open so she was still slightly watching. Honestly it made me soo happy to watch that. Oh. I can't wait till we go to the Movie Mill again my dear. It's going to be a horror movie. And I will watch you. HAHA!

I could write more about hanging out with Ariel in the pool look-out area and spilling my entire coffee all over the seats, or the fact that she won a coffee and I didn't (0/6 PEOPLE!!! UGH!), or the fact that she has been trying to talk me into going to Israel on her summer archaeology trip (but it's like $5400 + tuition ($1050) EXPENSIVE!), or the fact that I started looking overseas for Masters programs, but I feel like I have just summed that up right now. So farewell!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Inspiration at work...?

This is what I get to look at all the time at work when I break for lunch:
Thank you kind managers...I think. Actually I really enjoyed the "When i die..." soooo true!!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Just for you Chels

My conversations are always the best:
Thank you autocorrect for making my life the way it is. Random. =D

Thursday, 1 March 2012

You Know You're Albertan When...

Let's just start with the fact that I am quite proud of myself. Because yesterday and today I wrote a short story. Yup. The first story that I have actually completed. So a round of applause please!

Shanks. Anyways. I'm not going to write anything about my story, but two friends of mine have read it and liked it so I'm happy. I mean I like writing just for myself, but if someone else likes reading my story then hey? who's complaining? Not me.

Anyways. I decided to skip my class today and go on a road trip with Mak to her presentation on Paralympic sports. Let me just tell you it is INTENSE! Like. Wheelchair Rugby (apparantly Murderball in someplaces?!?!?!) Anyways I can't really describe it but it looks crazy so here is a small video about the 2011 Coloplast Canadian Wheelchair Rugby Nationals Round Robin and Semi-Finals. Watch the entire thing and see some of the hits these guys have:
In other news regarding our road trip we saw many fascinating things on the road. Giant Ladies, creepy motels, Waving potatoes, pigeons, and a giant CORN STALK! WHAT?!?!?! is what you are thinking, but it was awesome! (see picture below):
Yeah. That's my life. And I think I am sick, which is so not good. The last time I was sick I was bed-ridden for days with a vapor rub fan (yes they make those) blowing into my face 24/7. I ran through so many effing batteries. I hope vapor rub is like osmosis and just absorbs through my skin to the infected areas.  Wow. That sounded like something someone would say during the apocalypse. 

Could I be turning it a flesh eating Zombie? Tune in next time to find out...