Frustration is my word of the day. I am frustrated with everything. With school, work, my current roommate, and my friends. Why does everything always add up at the same time? I am frustrated with school because I have to take a midterm at some point this week on Cognition and Perception starting from the sensory systems in general to color vision. Boring stuff, but an intense proffessor I have marking it, yes? (Yoda or someone... maybe). But I've been trying to study for it, but I keep getting distracted and its making me FRUSTRATED because I can't focus on it. I'm seriously debating boring some Ritalin from some children... I also have another neuroscience assignment due on Friday, and I cannot figure out what the first 3 questions are trying to ask me.... However I did (sorta) figure out 5-9.... so that helps... ish.
Work: I am always frustrated with work, what's new?
Current Roommate: Ditto to the above (but change work with current roommate)
I am frustrated with my friends because apparently I can no longer text "kay" anymore without being considered mad at someone, or being rude by being short with them. I'm sorry, but you text at the worst possible times because I am always studying so excuse me for not wanting to write a story to fufill your commitment issues. Go sleep with another random you meet at the bar to do that. I don't text long wordy texts unless I'm: 1) Really excited/sad/angry/stressed about something; 2) having a conversation with my mother/father/sister; 3)Trying to figure out homework without meeting with idiots; 4) Talking to a best friend. Are you one of those things in the above list? NO! I don't have facebook because I don't like technology so why would texting be any different. Holy crapolies people! Get off my back! You also have borrowed something from a BEST FRIEND of mine for the last 3 months and have YET to return it! And now I am not allowed to be frustrated with you. Are you effing serious? Take a look from my side and tell me that I ain't allowed to be.
In other news. That mad me laugh more than frustrated me, was while I was in the library studying with my friend Ami she was watching Paranormal Activity 2. And let me tell you, her reactions are hilarious! I honestly would go to any horror movie with her and just watch what happens with her. She makes like sounds of terror when scary things happen, jumps away from the screen, and then (at one point during the movie) will verbalize what is happening in the movie. The best part was when she jumped away and covered her eyes, but had her fingers slightly open so she was still slightly watching. Honestly it made me soo happy to watch that. Oh. I can't wait till we go to the Movie Mill again my dear. It's going to be a horror movie. And I will watch you. HAHA!
I could write more about hanging out with Ariel in the pool look-out area and spilling my entire coffee all over the seats, or the fact that she won a coffee and I didn't (0/6 PEOPLE!!! UGH!), or the fact that she has been trying to talk me into going to Israel on her summer archaeology trip (but it's like $5400 + tuition ($1050) EXPENSIVE!), or the fact that I started looking overseas for Masters programs, but I feel like I have just summed that up right now. So farewell!
you should have talked about all that last stuff- its way cool. LIKE ISRAEL!