Wednesday, 28 March 2012

I'm so hungry, I feel like I'm in The Hunger Games

So Monday was a roller coaster. It was a hectic day that seemed to almost never end.  For me, it was pretty good, I had lunch plans and then later was going to a movie. But for everyone else it seemed to be the day from hell.

The first highlight of my day was going to Ihop with Ami. It was delicious, to die for. I got a build your own pancake combo (only 9.99$$) and got banana strawberry pancakes, with hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, and sausages. It was fantastic. I honestly would have ate every last bit of it but I thought my stomach would split. I would love to go back right now, but I feel as though I should take a 3 week vacation from it.  The menu was crazy. I didn't think that there would be so many flavors of pancakes, but apparently I was proven wrong.  I could say the same thing about the amount of syrups there were, but, me being Ms. Simplicity and thinking there was only one, I was corrected by the four different flavors of syrup they had on the table. Blueberry, strawberry, old fashioned, and butter pecan. I liked strawberry the best, and butter pecan the least. It tasted like it was.... honestly I have no idea what it really tasted like I just didn't like it.

It was kinda funny though, our waiter was a little weird and I think aspired to be a hovercraft, because that's what she was good at.  Hovering.  When we were done Ami wanted to pack up her leftovers, and the waiter sorta... handled it weird.  All I remember is that at some point Ami started muttering "Don't drop it bitch. That's for later."

The food was really good. And I would highly suggest if anyone has an Ihop near you to go an take a trip there.  Because you won't be disappointed.

After that I had made plans to go and see The Hunger Games with my friend Chels.  It wasn't until 9:40 so we hung out around my place for a bit before going early to get some popcorn and drinks.  I'm going to be honest we both ate an entire regular popcorn to ourselves.  I have no shame.  It was delicious.  I mean, you can't go to a movie and not get some movie theatre popcorn now can you?
**Spoilers ahead (unintentional)**The movie itself, was kinda disappointing.  I mean it was good, but.... I don't know.  I thought that the camera work needed some help; I don't think that they should have used a hand-held camera for some parts. It was nauseating.  But I understand what they were really trying to do.  There were also some moments where I was kinda like, "Omfg how much longer is this movie going to be?" I also really had to pee at one point, so that made me wish that it would end faster.  I mean the scenery was exactly what I imagined (which was sorta creepy, especially with the center part of arena), but I don't know.  I really think that they got like after the world sorta destroys itself pretty well.  I understand why a lot of people really liked it, and I will go and see the second one (maybe the third, mind you that's the worst book in the series) to see what else they do.  Rue's death made me teary eyed, but that was because of Jennifer Lawrences acting.  Fantastic.

I'm just one of those people that you don't want to be sitting around in a movie theatre because I talk, and nit-pick. I'm a nit-picker. I'll be honest.  But I feel as though if you are getting paid to act as a character you should do the decency and actually put effort in. But not too much, because then you just look stupid. I also nit-pick the camera work, and music choice, and directors choices.  I don't intentionally mean to, but sometimes I can't help it.  This is probably one of the reasons why I don't go to movies very often.  Hmm.

I felt that Gale could have been cut out of the movie (also in the books if you want my opinion).  But instead they decided to pay Liam Hemsworth for 3 scenes. All of which he was sitting in a grassfield.  Maybe I should start acting, if that's all major movie stars now have to do.  Most of the other actors were fantastic, and I couldn't have been more pleased about the directors choices.  Peeta's hair (Josh Hutcherson) could have used some work. It looked like... crap. Or in Makrina's words "Bad News". So I'm just going to say it's Bad News Bears.

Oh well. I hope that the movies get better, I mean if you think of the Twilight movies the first one deserved to be trashed after 5 seconds, but the movies did get better over time. So I don't know. Just me. Bleh.

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