Anyways, after we went to Tim Hortons and lost epically we decided that we wanted to head back to my place because I wanted to work on my paper for Monday, and I got my sister addicted to a game called Mystery Manor (which you can play on Facebook everyone...I'll have a blog on it later this week at some point, confronting my addiction to it). After we decided that we were hungry and went to Tony Roma's... mmmm soo good. Ribs that just peeled right off the bone. Lovely. Then we went to Walmart and we just walked around and I saw this!!!
I love Angry Birds... except I need to get 3 stars on every single level or else I can't move on. Perfectionist I know, but its just... funner? Not really. It's more frustrating when you are literally 1000 away from making the 3 stars. Anyways. After that, the day ended. Until Saturday! When we woke up went for breakfast at Tim Hortons... we did try going to IHop but seeing as it was it's first week being open we didn't want to wait an hour. After that we went to the University. Where I took my sister on a tour around the school.. Showing her all my favorite places. We hung out in the pool area for a bit, just because she could understand why I liked napping there so often. =) After that we went and visited Mak at her place and tried a smoothie of hers (which was quite good) then we went and mailed the baby clothing to my sisters BFF. After that we went to the Cheesecake factory and got some soup for a lupper, then we went to the mall and did some shopping... Where I bought these lovely shoes!
After shopping, we went to the movie Silent House. I liked it, and so did my sister. But my coworkers (which was who we went with) didn't. It was pretty good until you figure out the twist (and there is one...) at the end. I have to be honest, Elizabeth Olsen did a good job. I mean being related to the Olsen twins has to have an impact of your lifestyle, so for going into this movie it was pretty good. It was all in one take, like continuous filming, so that was really sweet. I remember in the movie Atonement (I love that movie <3) they did one scene where it was one continuous filming and it looked pretty awesome. Everyone just has to be ready for everything.
It was nice having my sister down for the weekend. I didn't really have to think about anything, and it was nice to get away from school and not have to work for a change. I quite enjoyed it. Now if only my summer could go that way, but alas I wish to graduate as soon as possible, so that means summer courses. =( But to cheer you up, enjoy this lovely T-Rex comic!
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