Wednesday, 29 February 2012


I'm okay today. Promise. I think I just had a mental break down yesterday. Also I have become accustom to the fact that I am planning a meeting on Friday with my roommate. She just has no idea about it yet. I plan to spring it on her suddenly...

In other news, Ariel (the amazing lady she is...GET SOME SLEEP NOW!!!) made my day with a couple videos. One was Tom Felton talking in a New Jersey accent, which was hilarious. Look it up. And the other made me happy and accept things as the come. It's a little bit longer than most videos, but that is because it is a short film, so be sure you have at least 15 minutes to watch it. 20 minutes if you want it to actually load.

Maybe just because I am a book lover I love this one even more, but I think you will enjoy it as well.

I would also like to remind you that I am not a psycho and don't actually feel like Jack Nicholsons character in The Shining. Mental/nervous breakdown people! But it is a good movie. redrum anyone?


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Cell Block Crazy

It is lying on my bathroom floor crying with a pillow, blanket, and teddy bear that I realize I have reached my breaking point. This is the only room that I feel my roommate and her boyfriend have not tainted with who they are. Their self centered ways do not penetrate these four walls, and even their spoiled demeanor cannot break down this door. It is their words and voices that keep causing a sudden on break of tears flowing; it seems that just knowing they are within feet of me can ruin my day. Him yelling "interference" at a screen like he can actually do something about it. You can't even speak proper words half the time, so shut up.

I need to scream. Get out somewhere and scream. I am filled with anger, sadness, but mostly rage. Knowing that I have almost 60 more days to live with these people and I have no option to change it. And I am panicking at the sudden prospect that I need to tell her to get her shit together and leave. She has ruined this apartment. I couldn't live here any longer than a year, just knowing that she was here. Thank god for Chelsea and Makrina.

Maybe it is my fault. I learned early on a different way of communication, to not speak, and let things go and such. I take after my dad. And I surrounded myself in high school with self centered people who simply used me as a verbal batting board.

University was suppose to be the place where I changed. Become a fully functioning grown up. And yet the only thing that changed was my friends; who are open to listening about my pit falls and side steps. Waiting to hear it. But instead I cannot truly verbalize it, and I find myself writing to a blog about how much hatred I have in my heart that is about to boil over.

Today has been a terrible day. All because of my roommate. They leave the trash on the floor for days, take over my living room, take over my kitchen, yell at night, set up my buzzer to THEIR phone without asking me, and make my friends uncomfortable when they come over.

This house is not my home, but my prison. My roommates are not my friends, but the guards trapping me here.

How hard is it for someone to verbalize their desires when they have kept it pad locked deep away? I am truly exhausted and would rather live on the street or in my car then spend another second with these assholes.

Sophia Grace and Rosie on Ellen

I have now found my new favorite guest stars for The Ellen Show. Just watch the video. Sophia Grace is actually crazy, but I love both her and Rosie. Like honestly. I'm pretty sure that can't be normal... I hope... Anyways here is a video of the girls on the Red Carpet being a representative for Ellen.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Reading Week 2012

I've established reading week is a thorough waste of time.  Every year, I either work non-stop or just lay around the house not actually doing anything. And this year was no excuse.  I worked most days, and when I did have the option of going home I watched PVR'd movies non-stop at my parents house. On the couch. Not moving for hours.  I had even brought home my computer (which I never do because it's heavy) to write out my notes, textbooks that I should have been reading, and notes I should have been reviewing. Did I do any of it? No. Bleh. It's like spring break, but because I know I have work to do I don't do anything because I know that I will just panic at the last minute. Sometimes I hate being a procrastinator. It hurts the brain when everything piles up.

One thing good about this week, is I did get some nice easy reading done. That wasn't assigned, but a book that I could sit for hours and become completely enthralled by that I have to stop reading in public because apparantly I make weird faces when I read. I got told this once when I was in junior high.  I think it is because I become part of the story and have the same emotions as many in the story.  That's probably why I cry more while reading books than I do watching movies. Once again, this is a reason why I don't read it public unless the book is 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide, so no one can see my face.

The books that I read were Odd Thomas and Forever Odd by Dean Koontz. I am actually just about to start reading Brother Odd but thought that I would take a break. Seeing as I have been reading for 3 hours straight and have forgotten to eat food.  I don't really know how to describe the story besides saying it is about a guy named Odd Thomas (shocking I know) who can see ghosts, and helps them move on. Just about everything that always happens when a person can see a ghost. Nothing really new about that. But it is a good read.  Not a book that I would go out to buy on my own, cause I probably will never read it again. I mean I have read some of Dean Kootnzs' other books which are pretty good, but I bought them used and returned them when I was done. It's not saying that I don't like books. Because I am 20 years old and already have a small library, I just don't like owning books that I wont read again. Or books that involve incest. I just can't get past that... I have started so many books, but because of incest I can't do it. I just stop. The only novel that I have actually read was Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, but that's because it was just simply "implied". I didn't have to read about it.

I think it has something to do with a book that I read as a child. My mom said it was good, and it was about a girl and her brother trapped in an attic because their relatives were psycho, and yeah... do I need to go on? I'm already shuddering at the thought of writing it out. I may have just vomited in my mouth at the thought of incest, but you wouldn't know would you?

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Somebody That I Used to Know

So I finally got to go home for a little bit during reading week and so far it has just been me and my dad chilling out at home. Today, however, I went out with some of my best friends who we are all old coworkers of Hallmark (where I worked in highschool).  We decided to get lunch and went to a small sushi place by our houses (where the service sucked balls) and just chatted about everything. Gossip about old and new work, new employees, life, plans for the summer and a lot more.  Then a song came on on the radio. And lately I have been hearing this song, but never actually catching the name of it. Until today when the girls told me what it was.  It was "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye (a singer from Australia). And of course I decide to go out afterwords and buy the CD.

So the CD. It is "Making Mirrors" and... you will have to listen to it to actually understand what I am trying to say, but it is similar to The Beatles (two completely different styles of music though) in the sense that listening to the songs in order all together is how you should listen to it. There were times when I didn't realize that the song had changed, just because it flows together. It's fantastic. People have probably already heard a bunch of songs from Gotye, but this is honestly the first time that I actually just sat there and listened. I wasn't driving, or having lunch, but simply sitting there and listening to the lyrics.  You have to try it at some time.

When I got home today, I decided to Google something that the girls were talking about which was crazy.  I just had to watch it myself to believe it. So instead of explaining it, you'll just have to watch the video below:
Mind blown right? These guys are Walk Off The Earth. They are from Burlington, Ontario (Yeah Canada!!!) Apparently they only had one guitar at the time, so that is why they are all playing together.  If you want to hear more music by them go to their YouTube Channel here: Walk Off The Earth

Monday, 20 February 2012

My literal half cup

I seem to be on a dishwasher week... Well to start, I have been at my apartment alone for two days and have been enjoying every minute of it. I baked banana bread tonight so I can bring it back home to my friends. It's soo yummy. I'll have to share the recipe at some point in another blog. One thing that I did notice the other day is that I couldn't find my half cup measuring cup. I thought that was weird. I mean I looked every where and for some reason just assumed that I had put it in the dishwasher and just needed to empty it. But it wasn't there. This lasted for a couple days and I just sort of gave up on my half cup.

Until today. I was emptying the dishwasher and refilling it when I looked down to the bottom and what did I behold? My Half Cup! But it looked... Different. It seemed as though my dishwasher and half cup got into a quarrel and duked it out. Lets just say that the dishwasher won. It melted my cup. So now I have literally half of a half cup.

Check out the picture below to see what I mean.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

"Moving Mind Studio" YouTube

So I am one of those people who will literally spend hours looking at YouTube Videos and laugh soo hard. And all I want to say is that I just found this trio and thought I should share a video with you.  The are Moving Mind Studio and make some hilarious videos so be sure to check them out.

Here's a couple of my favorites. Be sure to stay until after their slogan!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Lethbridge Hurricanes

Okay. So I am Canadian and female and I could tell you all the players who were chosen for the Olympic team.  It's just common knowledge.  So when I say that I'm not a big hockey fan, it's just that I don't have time to watch the games, not that I don't enjoy watching it.  Plus I would prefer to actually go and sit in the stands for the game instead of watching it at home. Yeah, I know, I know, it's probably easier to see, but it just doesn't feel right.  Sitting in the arena makes you feel like you are part of a team, with all of the other people sitting around you cheering or jeering for the home team.

I'll be honest, even though I am from Calgary, I don't cheer for the Flames.  I don't really cheer for any team.  I just enjoy watching.  And last night, I got the opportunity to go watch a Lethbridge Hurricane game live.  KA got us free tickets and we were sitting on the "Party Deck", which was kind of awkward because there really wasn't enough seats for everyone.  So after the first period, Dan and I said we were going to get hot dogs. Then left and found some seats in the second row to watch the rest of the game.  It was awesome.  I loved the atmosphere.  People were just chatting and you felt almost like you always belong even if you were a rodent in a cheese factory.  I think everyone should go to a live game at least once.  The last live game I went to was New Years of 2010, at the Saddledome for a Flames game.

The main reason behind this blog entry was because I was chatting about how many boys actually get accepted into the NHL or any major hockey league.  And it is slim.  And it usually depends on the Junior Hockey team that you get drafted to.  And the Hurricanes are not one of the highest teams.  It's sad to say that most of those boys on the ice last night wont make it any farther.  After 18 years of age you can begin to get drafted by NHL teams, and for those that don't can continue to play on the Juniors team.  The average age (approximately) to get drafted to the NHL is from 18-20.  For those boys still playing in Junior Hockey Leagues at at 21 or higher, and not on an amazing team either (*hint hint*) chances are probably not in your favour that you will ever play in the NHL.

Honestly I'm not trying to dishearten those who want to go into the NHL, I mean for most kids in Canada that is probably what everyone wants to do.  It's just, unless you are fantastic at the game, get drafted to a good junior team, and other factors, many wont get any farther then where they are now.  Just saying. Go to a University or College and get a scholarship to play. Why wouldn't you? I mean if its your dream to play in the NHL, but you are playing on a University team isn't that good enough?  To play the game you love?  I mean I love playing Volleyball, but I'm 5'3'' and have accepted that I will never be a professional beach volleyball player, so why can't these boys?

This blog probably wont make sense, but I'm not the best person to explain drafting in Hockey. Someone could probably do a way better job.  This isn't anything against the Hurricanes, nor am I trying to dishearten the young boys from joining them, I mean its fantastic that they play hockey and all of my children will probably be forced to play hockey when they are kids, its just they need to know their limit. And not pull a Valentines Day and believe in unrealistic expectations/dreams. But maybe that is just my opinion. I can't really be one to say how good someone needs to be to join the NHL, I am just basing this off of a conversation I had last night. Partly.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Dishwasher Appropriate

This is a pet peeve of mine. And because my roommate is dating an idiot and she herself is a spoiled brat I feel like I need to write about what is appropriate to go into a dishwasher.

  1. Bowls
  2. Plates
  3. Utensils
  4. Stirring Spoons
  5. Spatulas
  6. Tubberware 
  7. Glasses
And this is what shouldn't be put in the dishwasher (well what I don't want put in the dishwasher because it doesn't get anything clean):
  1. Pizza Cutting Knife (its circular people. I don't think some dishwasher fairy is going to come rotate it during its cycle)
  2. Pots/Pans (honestly these should just be handwashed in general. Don't be lazy)
  3. Specialty Knives (These are expensive knives you idiot, please don't dull the blade because you don't want to get your spoiled hands fucking wet)
That's all that I really wanted to say.  Because I found this in my dishwasher this morning and rotated the blade and saw this:

I'm seriously thinking a lot of things in my head, but will refuse to put them down because I don't want to get arrested.  I mean I have lived with some dirty people so the dirt issue isn't new to me, but this is just fricken ridiculous.  Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Inside Out

I thought long and hard as to what this post would be today.  And I established some ideas.  But I have decided against them because I feel as though they are over played and that everyone will be talking about that particular idea today.  That's right.  Valentines Day.  Whether you love it, hate it, or simply just acknowledge it is there, there is no way away from it.  So instead of going on a rant or talking about unbelievable romances (because that is all that are portrayed in todays society) I instead decided to talk about my Psychology class today.

It is my psychology of sensation and perception, and we are currently learning about Vision and it's connection to perception and sensory.  One topic that we were talking about was the Pictorial Depth Cue.  Now that means simple that 2D images are portraying 3D images.  These use shading and shadows, retinal image size, linear perspective, texture gradient, and height in the plane.  Now I know it sounds like it's going to be a boring blog, but I promise that it will be a short(er) boring blog.  To be honest, the only thing that I really wanted to write about was about an Inside Out Ambulance Illusion that was shown in class today.  So first watch the video I posted below:

Crazy right? But if you really think about it, it's just based on the shadowing of the paint job.  These are simply just NOT the stereotypical depth cues you would expect looking at that image.  I mean painters use most of these pictorial depth cues all the time in their works.  The linear perspective and texture gradient go together hand-in-hand for painters because they are able to paint what is seen as being closer and farther away, when really all that they eye is seeing is a canvas with colors.

Another thing about colors that blew my mind, is that the eye only has cones in the fovea (front of the eye) so technically all that you are seeing in color is in you focus point and a circumference around that point, when everything else around that focus point is in black in white.  If you look straight ahead, though, it looks as though everything is in color. This is because your eye is constantly moving, even when you think it is staying in one place, and it does this to get samples of colors and make guesses on what they are and that's what you see.

This is why I think that the brain and the eyes are fascinating things. I mean if you really want to get down to it, its amazing to think that everything you are seeing right now is becoming an image upside down through your eye to the rods and cones at the back, just to send an action potential to the brain to send another one back to the eye to allow you to actually "see".  Yeah. Weird. And I'm a nerd. Shush.

Sorry for the random facts, but all I really wanted to show you was the ambulance, so if everything else was boring, or flew over your head, just watch the video to be amazed.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Hey Momma

She has agreed! My mother has finally given the go ahead to searching for a new place with Chelsea and Mak! So stoked! I felt that the only way to make this work was to delay in making a phone call until I remembered a bunch of stuff that I wanted to talk to her about and try to distract her from it all.  So we first started talking about the Week From Hell, then moved on to being bummed out because Chelsea's roommates were bitches and evicting her, then suddenly I shifted the conversation about how we were simply "throwing the idea around" about moving into a house for the three of us, which would be cheaper and give us a lot more space. I thought she was going to say no right away, but I started interrupting her and talking about how Chelsea said something along the lines of "you know where I live and I know where you live" meaning to let my mother know that Chelsea wasn't going to settle for a dump.  And then she said "well you should probably keep your eye out, because it could be some money saved in the long run". SO in my view and knowing my mother as well as I do, its a go ahead to find the RIGHT place. And when I mean right, it better stand up to her expectations or she may move me back to Calgary just for fun.

After that part in the conversation I decided to also nonchalantly mention thinking about going away and Volunteering in Ecuador for a couple months. And she countered with "why don't you teach English down there and get paid to travel?".  Then she started mentioning a bunch of people, who I apparently should know because they are somehow related to me...?, who have traveled around the world and have/are teaching ESL.  To be honest the thought had not even crossed my mind about getting paid to travel. I guess that would be something to look into.  But I know that it will be somewhere in South America. It's just the question of where....

In other news, the midterm wasn't that shitty. Just like 85%... Just kidding.  As soon as I flipped the first page I knew most of the answers so I was pretty happy about that. There were some questions that she had never even mentioned in class, so I felt that it was slightly unfair in that advantage, and I also thought it was ridiculous that there were 3 repeats of 3 different questions in the multiple choice. But what can you do.  It was funny, at one point she realized one was a repeat and told us to cross off the answers, and Mak looks at me and is like "I had two different answers". I almost burst out laughing, but I felt like I deserved a higher grade than a zero.

So yes. That is why I am writing a blog.  I tried starting on my other homework for this week, but whenever I do laundry I get so distracted that I actually can't do anything. I don't know why. I think it's just because the noises make me day dream and so therefore I can't actually focus on anything. Plus I like clean clothing, and can't stand having my clothing sitting around in a washer machine for longer then necessary.  But now, back to my hectic week. Wish me luck!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Up Next: The Week from Hell

This is going to be short because my battery is about to die and I am way to lazy to get my cord out of my backpack and plug it in.  So here are my reasons behind this being the Week from Hell:

  1. I have a Midterm tomorrow in Developmental Psychopathology which I should understand, but still have no freaken clue. She's going to make us apply it to real life situations, so hopefully I can bullshit my way through that part. I did do that for a majority of my Abnormal class.  The only issue is, is I feel like all my notes for this class is written in jibberish.  I honestly don't understand any of it. Is that normal? Especially when I have spent the last 2 days straight in the library unless I was at work, sleeping, or making a meal because I ATE in the library as well.  8 hours straight.
  2. Same effing class. I have a presentation on Friday that is on Fragile-X Syndrome. 15 minutes long, so it isn't that bad, but I think I am mostly stressing out because I am meeting with my group tomorrow to practice and stuff and I only have 1/2 of my part done. But I've been busy for ever! Plus in my spare time I apparently like to blog, so don't judge.
  3. SAME EFFING CLASS! For Friday after I finish my presentation I have to give in 5 abstracts on 5 research articles based on stuff we found relating to our presentation, so Fragile-X.   I have maybe 4 chosen, and have I started writing them? No! I have 4 days to write a page worth of shit to get a decent grade.  I don't even know why I am trying so hard, word of mouth is that she fails everyone on their first submission, just to make you do it again and hand it in on the last day. FML
  4. Last but not least, I have another Neuroscience Homework set due.  Shoot me in the face. Now.

And that's not even including the stress I have about getting to all my classes, working, going to the gym, stressing about money, AND having a social life for V-Day (it almost sounds like Dooms Day to be honest)

My computer died so now I am finishing this on my iPhone. So a warning not a lot of entries this week. Let's just say if you don't hear from me after a weeks time (Friday), I might have died and my body is somewhere being eaten by rabies invested cats. Yup. Get that picture out of your head now that I've said it.

Saturday, 11 February 2012


This is the actual post I wanted to put up yesterday but because of my shocking discovery.... It had to wait. My BIG MAC:
All I am going to say is sometimes I wish that advertising would actually look like what it is suppose to look like. But it still tastes soooo good. Yum. Until my next pay-check then.  Plus it's a good thing I don't have a lot of money or else I would get fat from eating at McDonalds all the time.

Friday, 10 February 2012

I have no idea what just happened...

Legit. Like I got home from Grocery shopping and went straight to my room because I spent a lot more than I was suppose to, and my roommate came in and asked me what was wrong, and instead of being mature and saying "You are the problem" I decided to go with I spent to much money, work isn't giving me hours, and then to get her to fuck off I said my friend is pretty much getting evicted from her house for the summer.  Now. I'll be straight up this is her idea, NOT MINE. I wasn't even on this thinking page at this moment, but apparantly she was. She said, that she could start looking for a place and if she finds one that is closer to school that's cheaper that SHE (my psycho-of-a-roommate) would move out by April 30th to let Chelsea live here during the summer.

Say What?!?!? Any one else shocked? But then it made me think "Maybe she hates living with me too!" This could be fantastic! But. I want to see where Chelsea's head is at for the summer thing, because I really want her to stay and chill out with me here, but if she can't find a place and neither can my roommate, then I'll be sad.  But I mean it becomes like a ghost town here. And I'm sure that one of them will find a place.

But, until then my roommate said give her to March to find a place. So March come quicker!  19 days much?

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Shifty Roommates

(and this time it's not mine that I am talking about)

The worst thing that can happen when you are in University or College is having a place and loosing it. All because your roommate suddenly decides that they no longer want to live there and are now forcing you to pack up your shit and go.  This individual is usually the holder of the deed, lease, rental agreement, and is the one you are paying.  So if for some reason that person suddenly springs "Hey I've decided to move in with "so-and-so" so you need to be out by this "date"", you can feel overwhelmed.  Especially if it is during Midterms, Finals, or just a stressful time for you in general with everything (work, school, volunteering).  It is the LAST place that you want to be placed in.  And its all to common in the students lifestyle.

Right now my old roommmate (another one, who was FANTASTIC to live with) currently lives in a house with three other girls.  This week is midterm season.  She has recently started a new job last week and plans on staying the entire summer to work and such.  Today.  She finds out that two of her roommates are moving in together and that she has to be out by April 30th.  That gives her eighty days to find a new place or she is homeless during the summer.  I mean worse comes to worse she can always stay at a friends house while they are away for the summer, but what position does that put her in for next year?

I mean I love my apartment, its fantastic.  Two bedroom, two bathroom, washer/dryer, with a dishwasher, two parking stalls (only one is a plug in) and its pretty cheap for this town.  For some reason this tiny town in Alberta loves to rip off students much more than the University does, but because there is such limited space you have to take what you can get.  But if I could find a three-bedroom, two bathroom, washer/dryer included, somewhat close to the University to live with Makrina (who I am living with regardless next year, whether or not we change places) and Chelsea (my old roommate) then wouldn't you?  I mean, there are pros and cons for each situation.  For example everything I said about my apartment is fantastic (except for my current roommate), but a con is that I am not actually that close to the University (for this town).  But suddenly moving to a new place during the summer could be a lot of work.  It all depends right? Especially on the money front. If it is cheaper than what I am paying right now, all included, clean and in a safe area, then I probably would move in a heart beat. And I think that my mom would be okay with it, because there would be more than just two people.

Ugh big decisions.  It's just stupid when you make an agreement with someone and then they decide to turn back and screw you over. I had that happen this summer when I first found my apartment.  I was originally going to live with a friend, but she suddenly decided that she needed to live with a dog, so she ditched out leaving me 60 days to find a new roommate, who I found last minute (sigh).  She ended up ditching out on another person to and decided to not even move down here.

If you are a roommate, wouldn't you want to treat your roommates with respect and not suddenly ditch them out? I mean one of the reasons that you are probably living with that specific person is that you are probably friends or dating.  So why suddenly ruin that with no warning? Please go to this link for some fun passive aggressive roommates: These Roommates Have Something To Prove (Another story, in another blog about passive aggressive roommates, but for now enjoy a preview from the site)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Dr. Seuss

I ran into Ariel this morning when I was studying for a midterm. And she was finishing up a lab assignment. It was nice to just chat about things. We haven't seen each other or hung out since... Her birthday in November I think. Well actually got together. Not including times we have randomly seen each other in the hallways.

Moving on. Because I don't have Facebook I seem to miss out on a lot of things until friends or family tell me something interesting about what's online and show me.

Oh my fucking god. My ex roommate from first year is standing right infront of me. She is an idiot. She actually asked someone what their height was and then asked "is that in real life?". She's like a dumb blond (that isn't actually blond) that doesn't understand anything. We lived with each other, never hung out, we're polite with each other, never got into arguments. And then we went our separate ways. Good living arrangement. Except I felt like my IQ was slowly disintegrating while I lived with her. But it's in the past so all good.

All that I really wanted to do today was post a picture from Facebook that Ariel showed me that I quite liked. Enjoy:

Monday, 6 February 2012

Zombie Fish!

To begin I should explain that I have two fish.  Shakespeare and Mercutio.  Yeah I'm a nerd.  They are Siamese fighting fish so they each get their own bowl and they are pretty chill most of the time.  Shakespeare likes to float around playing dead just to piss/scare people when they are babysitting him, and Mercutio likes to make popping noises while he breaths.  Here is a picture of them from last year:
Shakespeare is the blue one on the left, and Mercutio is the white one in the back that you can barely see.  For the most part they are pretty chill. It's nice to have them around when I get really bored and want to see them fight.  It was good during my first year here when I lived in residency because I didn't really know anyone in first semester except for a girl named Sarah. And we went out and both bought ourselves fish.  So that makes Shakespeare about 3 years old.  Well.  He's been with me for about 3 years.  During the summer before my second year I bought Mercutio (because I really wanted a white Beta).  So he's about 2 and 1/2 years old.  

The reason for this blog is because something weird is happening.  Shakespeares bowl has cracked. In the weirdest place.  And sometimes I would find him swimming into the walls or lying over the crack, until I switched their bowls.  It's weird.  I have the bowls sitting on a towel now because it keeps leaking all over and I am way to poor/lazy to go out and get a new fish bowl. I actually tried taping it over with scotch tape. Let me tell you something.  It is fricken hard to tape over a crack when there is water leaking from it.  I really didn't think that one through long enough.  I'll put a picture at the end of the blog so you can see what I mean.  So in my opinion I think Shakespeare has been trying to dry-land (?) himself.  Is that a word? What's the equivalent of drowning, but on dry land? Suffocating? Yeah. Let's say that.  So he is trying to suffocate himself in his bowl.  It's terribly sad.  I don't really know what to think of it.

Wikipedia says that Bettas will live for 2-5 years on a proper diet.  It also says that dirty water will cause them to get a disease.  Maybe he is a zombie-like fish! What if he is trying to get out so he can try and eat Mercutio! WTF! But no.  That would be an over-reaction on my part.  That happens though when I feel as though I can self-diagnose things via the web.  I'm pretty sure I had Ovarian cancer last semester, soooo.... Well. Now later on it says that some wont accept dried food. Maybe I should buy him some live bait.  Then he might feel like he has a challenge. In the "wild" per se.  I'm going to do that. He does look fat. Anyways.

Here is that picture I promised you of my botched tape job (White is Mercutio not the zombie fish):

And a bonus picture of the crazy one himself:
Sorry about the quality of the last two pictures.  I took them from my iPhone and the coloring isn't great. I'm really worried that he is going to die though. That would be really upsetting. I understand it's a fish and all, but.... I have had him for 3 years. So I don't really know what would happen if he died. 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Lazy Days

So I wasn't suppose to work today, but my manager did an awesome thing.  She decided that she would give me a shift today, but pay me for "working" last week.  Yeah.  I'm happy.  It's almost like getting free money, which is exciting especially since I only got the three hours next week.  It also saves her back because the hours suck balls next week so everyone only gets 3 hours.  So I'm pretty happy that she asked me to pick up an extra shift. She was going to give me a shift from 9-5 (which is 8 hours minus break) but I thought I might need to do some studying, so I worked from 9-1.  The even better part was that all I had to do was do shipment in the back by myself! So it's pretty much like I take out clothing from the boxes and put it in the back stockroom while texting and listening to my music by myself.  I don't have to deal with stupid customers which is awesome! They annoy me.

It's also kinda funny cause when I got home last night I was talking to my roommate about how I was working today so I could pick up her charger and she told me that she wished that she would get more hours because she has plans to go on a couple vacations this year, to like Montana and I think Vegas during April.  And that's fine, but apparantly (this is the kicker) she told our manager (remember we work at the same store) that her "father was cutting her off" and that she needed to pay bills.  My managers thought that was really funny. And of course I was like you little liar! This was coming from the girl who told me that she hates liars and that she never lies because she always gives it away.  I just wanted to be a five year old and stomp my feet at her like "Liar liar pants on fire!" but I didn't think that was mature for my age.  But I'll be honest her dad pays for everything! Like she always tells me that it gets annoying to call home and whine at her dad and ask for money, and sometimes I kinda look at her in total shock.  I mean I never ask my parents for money. It's not that I don't actually need money, its just I feel like they already do so much for me in the first place, that I shouldn't have to ask for more money just to get by.  Like I live pay check to pay check, paying off bills, and not spending money on anything but the essentials, but I mean that's just because I was stupid.  That's it. I was stupid, not my parents.  So they shouldn't have to pay for it, right? I mean I was talking to my mom on the phone tonight about weddings, and she said that the bride/grooms family would be paying for the wedding and said that because my sister will probably have a small wedding (another story in two seconds about that) that I HAVE to have a big wedding. It's not even my choice anymore.  So I don't want to make my mom pay for my schooling when I have, after my BA is done, probably another 2-6 more years depending on whether I want my Masters or Ph.D and then a wedding to top it all off?  I don't know.  Maybe that's just me.  But I mean, they raised me to be independent.  I didn't get an allowance when I was growing up, I had a job all through highschool to save up for University, got scholarships, and got a job during University.  I don't like borrowing money from anyone. It makes me uncomfortable and I feel as though I am in debt to them for thousands of dollars when really it is only like $20.  Ugh the life of a poor student.

BUT! Good news.  So. About work. Because I am taking summer courses this year, in order to graduate earlier and not have to pay rent for another year, my managers were talking to me about getting Key Holder position during the summer and the fall.  So that means that I get a $2 raise! and will be guaranteed hours in this ghost summer town! So as long as I continue to make them happy with my work then we are golden! And, my favorite part, because I will be getting key holder, they will be PAYING me to go get my certification for CPR and all that jazz.  It's a 16 hour course people. And all I have to do is literally listen to the lady and take a test at the end! Fantastic.  So stoked.  And it's even better because its during reading week so I can actually go with my two managers and just hang out with them!  Fun times. I just found a song on my computer that I didn't realize was on my computer so now you all have to listen to it via YouTube because I thought it was very fitting:

Anyways.  I am rereading this blog and realize that my title is about lazy days, not about work and bitching. So.  I said previously that I only worked 4 hours just so that I could go home and study. Yeah well I decided instead to go to the skating rink and watch my friend try out her new sledge to make sure that the blades weren't too close and while she was doing that I was going to study for my midterm.  Well. I didn't.  I instead looked at my notes, got bored, started watching people skate and tried to decifer who the father was in this one group of children and then I decided to play some mini games of Plants vs. Zombies. (I have a boring life, get over it). So after that we went to SportsCheck to buy some skate gaurds and then I went home because I was going to study.... 2 hours later I awoke and realized I was suppose to be going to a friends house for dinner, and after dinner we decided to play Harvest Moon (another video game that is fantastic! GameCube!) and now I am home writing this blog.

Laziness: 9 hours.     *WINNER!*
Studying: 1 page or 30 minutes.

COMPLETE RANDOM THOUGHT-NESS (from above). Right here. So. My sisters wedding....?  My mom thinks that her boyfriend of four years will propose while they are in Hawaii, two weeks from now, because they keep talking about wedding and engagement rings and everything.  But I don't know. I mean she wants him to propose after she graduates, which degree I don't know, but that wont be for another 2 years. Then if she gets into education then it will be another 2-3 years. So I don't know. If they get engaged though I'm going to lose my mind. Just because she has already told me I will be her maid of honour and I have no idea what I would do. Totally screwed.  I have to plan so much shit. Shit! I'm already stressed as it is, please wait for another 2 years before getting engaged/married. Mind you I would get a vacation out of it.  Which would be nice.... Meh.

Friday, 3 February 2012

My cheat sheet?

I hate when profs say you can bring a piece of paper into a test. Just because then I never study enough and feel like I'm rushed into looking what the answers are and sometimes it feels as though you only studied what was on the sheet when you should have studied everything else. That is what I have been working on for the last couple days. It took me 6 hours to write it out and it is small. It took me 2 and 1/2 hours to write the test. FML. Here's the first side:
Ridiculous right? I mean my hand started to cramp and I was in the library forever! Ugh.  And that exam made me feel like an idiot, because I thought it would be easier but no! Apparently he likes to make exams jaw dropping-ly hard.  Which is what I felt like happened every time I looked at a new question.  I don't know.  Here's the second side:

That is ten lectures, twenty sheets of notes, condensed onto 2 pages.  FML. And Yes my duvet is floral. I just love the pattern. I have yellow bed sheets, but I really want to get dark blue in either solid or stripes.  But alas, I have no money and apparently I am failing a course already! Joy.

Ugh.  And then my one friend texted me saying that exam wasn't that bad. And I just agreed when secretly inside I felt as though I had just got destroyed.  I was going to say another word (starts with a r and ends in aped) but I thought that it wouldn't be appropriate.  More like gang *word*. But I have heard that after the first part the course gets a little bit better.  Maybe it was just hard because no one knows what to expect on his exams.  Who knows.  I feel like the problem sets that he gives us (which take days to finish) should be more helpful, but honestly they are completely useless.  I'm glad that Makrina felt like that was a hard exam though too. Cause if she said it wasn't that bad I would have probably cried.  I saw her come into the testing center (where you go to take your tests online at the university...its allows more leway and time for students to take exam rather then during an hour lecture) and I honestly debating yelling out "DON'T DO IT!" because I felt like....nothing. I felt numb honestly.  Fuck.  Cheat sheets suck balls.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

I mustache you mature students to STFU

I am currently doing this at the gym on a bike so if there are spelling mistakes I apologize. Via iPhone people. By the way I hate working out on the bike. It makes me feel claustrophobic when I hunch over the handles. I like being vertical people.

I have just established that my iPhone headphones with the button thing does not work. It's just a visual aid apparently. Meh maybe it has something to do with the fact that when I wash my face I have music on and the cord always somehow gets emerged in water.

My blog today is about stupid questions from mature students. Shut. The. Front. Door. No one cares about what you do in your spare time so don't start telling the teacher In front of the class. Like who cares. Seriously. That's not even a question.

I mean I am all for you guys coming back and getting your degrees but come on pre-read things if you don't get it and don't ask questions that are common sense. This may only be me but I also hate working in groups with them. JUST because they usually are only in one class and have a spouse supporting them so they don't work, so they have all this spare time to do nothing but study or work on the project and then get MAD at your for not having you're part done three weeks before it is even due! Frick!! They be some crazy bitches. And ... Bastards? Is that the right word for male versions? I don't know.

Anyways I am currently at the library "studying" so I should get back to that midterm tomorrow. I'll show you what I did today in another entry. Ugh neuroscience will be the death of me. If I am not already dead right now. ;) oh!! I just recently found this awesome smiley face. :}). I haven't decided if its his nose or mustache. I am more leaning towards the mustache just because I want to send a text saying "I mustache you". Yeah I'm cool. You're jealous.