Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Dishwasher Appropriate

This is a pet peeve of mine. And because my roommate is dating an idiot and she herself is a spoiled brat I feel like I need to write about what is appropriate to go into a dishwasher.

  1. Bowls
  2. Plates
  3. Utensils
  4. Stirring Spoons
  5. Spatulas
  6. Tubberware 
  7. Glasses
And this is what shouldn't be put in the dishwasher (well what I don't want put in the dishwasher because it doesn't get anything clean):
  1. Pizza Cutting Knife (its circular people. I don't think some dishwasher fairy is going to come rotate it during its cycle)
  2. Pots/Pans (honestly these should just be handwashed in general. Don't be lazy)
  3. Specialty Knives (These are expensive knives you idiot, please don't dull the blade because you don't want to get your spoiled hands fucking wet)
That's all that I really wanted to say.  Because I found this in my dishwasher this morning and rotated the blade and saw this:

I'm seriously thinking a lot of things in my head, but will refuse to put them down because I don't want to get arrested.  I mean I have lived with some dirty people so the dirt issue isn't new to me, but this is just fricken ridiculous.  Happy Wednesday!

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