Sunday, 26 February 2012

Reading Week 2012

I've established reading week is a thorough waste of time.  Every year, I either work non-stop or just lay around the house not actually doing anything. And this year was no excuse.  I worked most days, and when I did have the option of going home I watched PVR'd movies non-stop at my parents house. On the couch. Not moving for hours.  I had even brought home my computer (which I never do because it's heavy) to write out my notes, textbooks that I should have been reading, and notes I should have been reviewing. Did I do any of it? No. Bleh. It's like spring break, but because I know I have work to do I don't do anything because I know that I will just panic at the last minute. Sometimes I hate being a procrastinator. It hurts the brain when everything piles up.

One thing good about this week, is I did get some nice easy reading done. That wasn't assigned, but a book that I could sit for hours and become completely enthralled by that I have to stop reading in public because apparantly I make weird faces when I read. I got told this once when I was in junior high.  I think it is because I become part of the story and have the same emotions as many in the story.  That's probably why I cry more while reading books than I do watching movies. Once again, this is a reason why I don't read it public unless the book is 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide, so no one can see my face.

The books that I read were Odd Thomas and Forever Odd by Dean Koontz. I am actually just about to start reading Brother Odd but thought that I would take a break. Seeing as I have been reading for 3 hours straight and have forgotten to eat food.  I don't really know how to describe the story besides saying it is about a guy named Odd Thomas (shocking I know) who can see ghosts, and helps them move on. Just about everything that always happens when a person can see a ghost. Nothing really new about that. But it is a good read.  Not a book that I would go out to buy on my own, cause I probably will never read it again. I mean I have read some of Dean Kootnzs' other books which are pretty good, but I bought them used and returned them when I was done. It's not saying that I don't like books. Because I am 20 years old and already have a small library, I just don't like owning books that I wont read again. Or books that involve incest. I just can't get past that... I have started so many books, but because of incest I can't do it. I just stop. The only novel that I have actually read was Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, but that's because it was just simply "implied". I didn't have to read about it.

I think it has something to do with a book that I read as a child. My mom said it was good, and it was about a girl and her brother trapped in an attic because their relatives were psycho, and yeah... do I need to go on? I'm already shuddering at the thought of writing it out. I may have just vomited in my mouth at the thought of incest, but you wouldn't know would you?

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