Shakespeare is the blue one on the left, and Mercutio is the white one in the back that you can barely see. For the most part they are pretty chill. It's nice to have them around when I get really bored and want to see them fight. It was good during my first year here when I lived in residency because I didn't really know anyone in first semester except for a girl named Sarah. And we went out and both bought ourselves fish. So that makes Shakespeare about 3 years old. Well. He's been with me for about 3 years. During the summer before my second year I bought Mercutio (because I really wanted a white Beta). So he's about 2 and 1/2 years old.
The reason for this blog is because something weird is happening. Shakespeares bowl has cracked. In the weirdest place. And sometimes I would find him swimming into the walls or lying over the crack, until I switched their bowls. It's weird. I have the bowls sitting on a towel now because it keeps leaking all over and I am way to poor/lazy to go out and get a new fish bowl. I actually tried taping it over with scotch tape. Let me tell you something. It is fricken hard to tape over a crack when there is water leaking from it. I really didn't think that one through long enough. I'll put a picture at the end of the blog so you can see what I mean. So in my opinion I think Shakespeare has been trying to dry-land (?) himself. Is that a word? What's the equivalent of drowning, but on dry land? Suffocating? Yeah. Let's say that. So he is trying to suffocate himself in his bowl. It's terribly sad. I don't really know what to think of it.
Wikipedia says that Bettas will live for 2-5 years on a proper diet. It also says that dirty water will cause them to get a disease. Maybe he is a zombie-like fish! What if he is trying to get out so he can try and eat Mercutio! WTF! But no. That would be an over-reaction on my part. That happens though when I feel as though I can self-diagnose things via the web. I'm pretty sure I had Ovarian cancer last semester, soooo.... Well. Now later on it says that some wont accept dried food. Maybe I should buy him some live bait. Then he might feel like he has a challenge. In the "wild" per se. I'm going to do that. He does look fat. Anyways.
Here is that picture I promised you of my botched tape job (White is Mercutio not the zombie fish):
And a bonus picture of the crazy one himself:
Sorry about the quality of the last two pictures. I took them from my iPhone and the coloring isn't great. I'm really worried that he is going to die though. That would be really upsetting. I understand it's a fish and all, but.... I have had him for 3 years. So I don't really know what would happen if he died.
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