Monday, 20 February 2012

My literal half cup

I seem to be on a dishwasher week... Well to start, I have been at my apartment alone for two days and have been enjoying every minute of it. I baked banana bread tonight so I can bring it back home to my friends. It's soo yummy. I'll have to share the recipe at some point in another blog. One thing that I did notice the other day is that I couldn't find my half cup measuring cup. I thought that was weird. I mean I looked every where and for some reason just assumed that I had put it in the dishwasher and just needed to empty it. But it wasn't there. This lasted for a couple days and I just sort of gave up on my half cup.

Until today. I was emptying the dishwasher and refilling it when I looked down to the bottom and what did I behold? My Half Cup! But it looked... Different. It seemed as though my dishwasher and half cup got into a quarrel and duked it out. Lets just say that the dishwasher won. It melted my cup. So now I have literally half of a half cup.

Check out the picture below to see what I mean.

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