Monday, 13 February 2012

Hey Momma

She has agreed! My mother has finally given the go ahead to searching for a new place with Chelsea and Mak! So stoked! I felt that the only way to make this work was to delay in making a phone call until I remembered a bunch of stuff that I wanted to talk to her about and try to distract her from it all.  So we first started talking about the Week From Hell, then moved on to being bummed out because Chelsea's roommates were bitches and evicting her, then suddenly I shifted the conversation about how we were simply "throwing the idea around" about moving into a house for the three of us, which would be cheaper and give us a lot more space. I thought she was going to say no right away, but I started interrupting her and talking about how Chelsea said something along the lines of "you know where I live and I know where you live" meaning to let my mother know that Chelsea wasn't going to settle for a dump.  And then she said "well you should probably keep your eye out, because it could be some money saved in the long run". SO in my view and knowing my mother as well as I do, its a go ahead to find the RIGHT place. And when I mean right, it better stand up to her expectations or she may move me back to Calgary just for fun.

After that part in the conversation I decided to also nonchalantly mention thinking about going away and Volunteering in Ecuador for a couple months. And she countered with "why don't you teach English down there and get paid to travel?".  Then she started mentioning a bunch of people, who I apparently should know because they are somehow related to me...?, who have traveled around the world and have/are teaching ESL.  To be honest the thought had not even crossed my mind about getting paid to travel. I guess that would be something to look into.  But I know that it will be somewhere in South America. It's just the question of where....

In other news, the midterm wasn't that shitty. Just like 85%... Just kidding.  As soon as I flipped the first page I knew most of the answers so I was pretty happy about that. There were some questions that she had never even mentioned in class, so I felt that it was slightly unfair in that advantage, and I also thought it was ridiculous that there were 3 repeats of 3 different questions in the multiple choice. But what can you do.  It was funny, at one point she realized one was a repeat and told us to cross off the answers, and Mak looks at me and is like "I had two different answers". I almost burst out laughing, but I felt like I deserved a higher grade than a zero.

So yes. That is why I am writing a blog.  I tried starting on my other homework for this week, but whenever I do laundry I get so distracted that I actually can't do anything. I don't know why. I think it's just because the noises make me day dream and so therefore I can't actually focus on anything. Plus I like clean clothing, and can't stand having my clothing sitting around in a washer machine for longer then necessary.  But now, back to my hectic week. Wish me luck!

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