Ridiculous right? I mean my hand started to cramp and I was in the library forever! Ugh. And that exam made me feel like an idiot, because I thought it would be easier but no! Apparently he likes to make exams jaw dropping-ly hard. Which is what I felt like happened every time I looked at a new question. I don't know. Here's the second side:
That is ten lectures, twenty sheets of notes, condensed onto 2 pages. FML. And Yes my duvet is floral. I just love the pattern. I have yellow bed sheets, but I really want to get dark blue in either solid or stripes. But alas, I have no money and apparently I am failing a course already! Joy.
Ugh. And then my one friend texted me saying that exam wasn't that bad. And I just agreed when secretly inside I felt as though I had just got destroyed. I was going to say another word (starts with a r and ends in aped) but I thought that it wouldn't be appropriate. More like gang *word*. But I have heard that after the first part the course gets a little bit better. Maybe it was just hard because no one knows what to expect on his exams. Who knows. I feel like the problem sets that he gives us (which take days to finish) should be more helpful, but honestly they are completely useless. I'm glad that Makrina felt like that was a hard exam though too. Cause if she said it wasn't that bad I would have probably cried. I saw her come into the testing center (where you go to take your tests online at the university...its allows more leway and time for students to take exam rather then during an hour lecture) and I honestly debating yelling out "DON'T DO IT!" because I felt like....nothing. I felt numb honestly. Fuck. Cheat sheets suck balls.
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